Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Marriage, Love and Weddings!!

Yesterday in class we were talking about things to establish in a marriage and essentials for a wedding. It made me sick when I heard that the national average cost of a wedding was 20,000-30,000! That is literally insane. I think it is kind of sad when people put all of that time and effort into planning their wedding but they don't put any thought into planning their marriage. They don't have clear expectations going into the marriage so its not what they were hoping for or wanting which is extremely sad. My husband and I went over a huge list of questions that his bishop gave us before we even got engaged. They were questions that you would want to know about the person you were dating or engaged to, but you never really wanted to just randomly ask. There were different categories such as spiritual, family, finance, expectations, relationships, and love, intimacy and communication. This really helped us to get an understanding of what the other person was expecting and what their standards and values are. For me, it was just another confirmation that my husband a great man for me to marry :]
In class when we were talking about the essentials for the wedding I was thinking back to my wedding day and what I thought was essential. For me obviously the first thing we planned was the temple sealing. This was the only thing that was crucial. The next important for me was having the people that I loved there. When we got sealed we were surrounded by all the people who loved us and who mattered most. It was the happiest moment of my life! All the other things are fun for sure, but definitely not necessary. It doesn't matter if you have your reception in the church house or if it is in the most expensive resort or hotel. I think for me having a photographer was pretty important. I love pictures and I love looking back at my wedding day and seeing how happy we looked and how everyone was there to support us. Another thing that was really important was the fact that we were prepared to go to the temple. It is such a sacred ceremony and it is something that you will cherish your whole life. It is something you will not want to settle on.

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